UFFCA Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance

UFFCA Mission Statement

The Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance’s (UFFCA’s) primary objectives include working to further the fisheries and aquatic resource related interests of the Upper Fraser First Nations.

This done each year through the development of an Annual Strategic Work Plan outlining priority objectives and the related activities to engage staff and contractors towards this end. It is then presented back to the community and stakeholders, in order to summarize the organization’s activities and outcomes for the year.

The UFFCA is committed to an open, transparent and accountable operating environment, focusing on a technical agenda; and to building cooperative and collaborative relationships amongst its membership and with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

The various tasks, purposes and products to which the UFFCA dedicates its resources have been allocated among eleven portfolios, which are reflected within the terms of reference to various contract positions within the organization.

UFFCA Vision

Abundant fish in a healthy aquatic ecosystem throughout the entire UFFCA area.

UFFCA Mission

By utilizing the best in western science and TEK and with a common voice, the UFFCA will seek to influence all levels of government and the general public to rebuild salmon stocks and sustain fisheries for future generations.

UFFCA Purpose

The UFFCA is a First Nations Natural Resource Management Agency committed to developing technical capacity in Salmon Management, field science, habitat and TEK through a collaborative facilitated process covering the entire area of interest within the UFFCA territories.